call of a city

Wanderlust is a research compendium on the psychology behind the desire to travel and the recent trend of cities turning into brands.

The concept behind the design of the book is to give a travel journal look with an interactive feel to it. Through my research I penned down various reflections and included them as footnotes or marginal notes to give it a personal touch. The typeface was decided keeping this in mind. I even used some of my travel pictures which were taped in the book in a rough journal manner. A few pages have illustrations on them done by various artists to give it a colourful and the artistic touch. The openable note cards inside have famous quotes that help the reader to relate and reflect more on the subject.

What made this research project personal was that a lot of the photographs were from my own travels. The variety of places and compositions made the journal feel very wholesome and colourful.

Through this research, I had many reflections about trends, psychology and the branding of a city. It was really interesting to see the relationship between branding and a place. Some of my insights are mentioned below.